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City One Securities Limited

City One Securities Limited is a liquidated company incorporated on 25 th June 1990 with the registered office located in London. It has been authorized by the Financial Conduct Authority and the FSCS is now accepting claims against the firm.

The firm promoted and recommended people transfer their pension when such a pension was not in their best interest. These people were neither experienced nor sophisticated investors and could not afford to take the risk of the underlying
investment. The people weren’t provided with sufficient information to make an informed decision in relation to the investment recommended. Had the firm provided enough information the people would not have proceeded with either the pension transfer and/or underlying investment.


Many claims were made against the firm regarding the mis-selling of SIPPS. City One Securities have entered administration and has stopped trading. Although the Firm is  no longer in operation, it is still being held accountable for its prior mis-selling

You can now claim to the FSCS against City One Securities.

Make a claim

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