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Consumer Wealth Ltd.

Consumer Wealth Limited (consumer and wealth management goldman sachs) were a monetary counsel approved by the FCA until they were told to desist all controlled exercises by the controller on 6 Walk 2019. This can be due to them exhorting their clients to contribute in items that were not appropriate for them and put them at hazard of losing a few, in the event that not all, of their pension. 


Consumer Wealth are known to be a wholesaler of the notorious Portfolio 6, a optional overseen portfolio from Greyfriars which was subject of an FCA examination and a part of media consideration. One such article can be examined here: Earlier to the graduation of liquidation procedures, the company gotten a number of Ombudsman choices were upheld against them, meaning they would have to be compensate these clients for the careless exhortation they have given them with. 


 Several monetary counsels and the FSCS

Please contact our specialist advisors today to see if you could claim compensation

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