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Independent Benefit Consultancy

Independent Benefit Consultancy or IBC have now been placed into liquidation after advising a large number of Clients to transfer out of Defined Benefit Pension Schemes. IBC, based in Glasgow, was an Independent Financial Adviser firm with pension transfer permissions and it employed 4 pension transfer specialists to deal with a vast number of final salary transfers and accepted introductions from over 60 other Financial Advisers.

IBC was based in Glasgow and has transferred thousands of final salary pensions. You may have been referred to them by your own financial advisor.

Transferring out of a defined benefit pension can cause you to lose valuable benefits and even lose money in your pension. Pension holders are often unaware that they have been victims and have had substantial losses.

If you have worked with Independent Benefit Consultancy Ltd to transfer your pension or any other financial matter, you could be entitled to compensation for your losses. Please fill our form so we at Elite Chambers can evaluate your case.

Please contact our specialist advisors today to see if you could claim compensation

Make a claim

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